DeafSA: Sign Declaration on the Rights of Deaf Children
| NewsSocial Development |
DeafSA National Director, Bruno Druchen: “Encourage everyone to actively advocate for the rights of Deaf individuals.”
Women’s Day: We honour a Deaf businesswoman who has empowered 480 Deaf people
| NewsSocial Development |
Meet a Deaf businesswoman in South Africa who is opening doors of job and business opportunities for Deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals.
Africa’s Specialised College honours a 25 times award-winning Deaf lecturer
| NewsSocial Development |
25 times award-winning lecturer’s tireless efforts enhanced the learning experience of Deaf and hard-of-hearing students in Nigeria.
Mattel, Inc. Introduces First Blind Barbie
| NewsSocial Development |
Mattel Inc. launches blind Barbie doll to allow even more children to find a doll that represents them. This is also to inspire all children to tell more stories through play. Last year Barbie introduced the first-ever Barbie doll with Down syndrome, which won the Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative of the Year award presented by the Toy Association.
Neema Foundation Heals Broken Families
| NewsSocial Development |
Neema Foundation combats family conflicts and gender-based violence (GBV) in the Deaf community.
How to identify hearing loss in a child?
| NewsSocial Development |
Have you been wondering what the leading factors of hearing loss in children are? Carmen Esterhuizen, a Johannesburg-based audiologist and speech-language therapist, explains to Diary Series of Deaf People the key reasons behind hearing loss in children.
UFS’ Deaf student teaches Sign Language to hearing students
Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga’s top 2023 Deaf matric achiever, Amahle Jemane teaches South African Sign Language to fellow hearing students at the University of Free State to bridge communication barriers.
#Budget2024 | Deaf youth saddened by small disability grant increase
| NewsSocial Development |
Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana says disability social grants will increase by R100.
Disability community | Church buildings do not show disability inclusion
A study by Talbot School of Theology says, “Only 10% of churches were engaged in or were planning a ministry for those with disabilities.”